What happens in a Workshop?

This way of looking at business and organisational issues takes place in a group setting. The workshops are small and there is explanation, demonstration and time for questions before the work starts and throughout the day.

The group sits in a circle and, under the guidance of the facilitator, uses the space in the centre to set up each constellation. To begin each piece of work the person who is bringing an issue briefly describes, to the facilitator, the difficulty or challenge the business, leadership team or organisation is facing. The facilitator then assists them in the selection of group members to represent the elements of the system being explored. This concept of representation of somebody or something else is central to this way or working and is explained and experienced in opening exercises and throughout the day.


The issue holder guides each representative to stand in relationship to one another in a way that resonates with their deepest inner sense of the relationship dynamics. As a result a pattern is created, an external picture of an inner, often unconscious, image. This is the start of a constellation and, even at this early stage, often reveals fresh insights about the organisational system being explored. The form of the rest of the constellation depends on the issue, the representatives feedback, the facilitator observations and the kind of solution available.

During the constellation the facilitator gathers information and insights from the representatives they will experience distinct and precise sensations. As the dynamics gradually become clearer, the facilitator works with the representatives to bring reconnection and resolution to the whole system. The process of a constellation lasting from a few minutes to over an hour and the new image of resolution provides the issue holder with new information for action and change. Combined with the post-constellation discussion and processing the issue holder leaves with insights, fresh energy and resources for resolution.

As an observer you may be invited to take part in other people¡¯s constellations as a representative. It¡¯s very common that someone else¡¯s work will resonate and that through their constellation you will clarify a business or leadership issue of your own.

© The Riverbank Partnership 2012 | Site by WadeGair